Shadow options for handkerchiefs

Make your accessories very exciting, rocking and impressive just by adding shadows. Shadow has the power that can create or destroy the image very easily. If you apply them carefully and very well, it will be a great help for the presentation of your product. He is able to highlight his images against the smooth backgrounds giving them a professional and real feeling. My concern today is to inform you about the different types of shadows and the steps to use them in accessories, especially scarves. Let's start with the tutorial

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You can use two styles of shadows so that the appearance of the handkerchiefs is very presentable, but his explanation I want to emphasize the importance of the consistency in brief
Relevance of consistency

You must follow the consistency rule for the entire inventory of all the images. You should make sure to use the same standards for all the inventory of images that will give them a professional look and note that customers are also attracted to the professional looking website.
Natural shade

This is the incredible style that will give your images the sophisticated and aesthetic look if done well. It is very economical to use, since you only need a light source to capture good natural shade and reflectors to soften the lights.

The steps are the following:

    Start by creating the new layer and make the layer fill with a white background.
    Now move the new layer to the bottom of the stack.
    The third step is to duplicate the layer.
    Select the area around the scarf and then refine the edges.
    The selection will be useful to make the mask. Now invert the mask depending on your choice of background or scarf.
    Go to the upper left tab of the layer dialog box layer to change the duplicate scarf layer to multiple.
    Now create a mask layer that is created in the middle scarf layer multiplied and now removes the background leaving behind the shadow.
    Use a brush with feathers to soften everything and finish this process by flattening the layer.

Parallel shadow

Parallel shadow is another style that makes the images of your products very attractive by imitating the shadow as created by direct sunlight. It will add new spice in the images and make your product look better in itself. This shade style is very easy and quick to apply.

The steps are

    First you must create the new layer and you must fill it with the white background.
    Now go further in steps and move the newly created layer to the bottom of the stack.
    Now, strongly select the area around the scarf and apply the refinement to the edges.
    The next step is to create the selection mask.
    To open the layer style window, double-click on the layer in the bag.
    To verify the shadow, open the shading box.
    Adjust the opacity of the shadow and continue the adjustment until you obtain the aesthetic preferences.
    Match the direction of the light with the shadow. You must match the size and distance of the shadow with the distance, angle and direction of the light source.
    After that, click OK
    To hide everything from its original background, adjust your selection.
    Now finally flatten the layer.


Do not think that investing time in the shadows is a waste, but that it is a low price of the professional inventory you get when using shadows. If you want to do wonders in the photography of your product, use these shadow styles. It will definitely increase your customer's shopping experience and force them to make a positive purchasing decision.


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