Summer Infant Travel Bed with Shoulder Strap
Summer Infant Travel Bed with Shoulder Strap Why Shelly recommends it: Great for the airport and possibly even on the airplane. It starts out folded into a travel bag with a shoulder strap and bottle pockets on each end. Then, when you need a clean, safe spot for baby to stretch out while you await your flight, just unfold and the toy bar is already in place. What’s that? There’s NOT a changing table in the lavatory on your flight? No problem. This will give you a clean, workable surface with no-roll sidewalls to use either on the airplane seat, floor, or–if the toilet design suits–in the lavatory over the closed lid. Oh, right! And when you get to the hotel, you’ll also have a handy travel bed. Find it online at: baby girl toys baby bath toys toys for 3 month old best toys for 3 month old 28 top toys for christmas 2017 toys for christmas 2017 The Shrunks Inflatable Travel Bed for Toddlers/Preschoolers Why Shelly recommends it: G...